Birthdays and wedding anniversaries falling due in a particular month, are celebrated on the last Sunday of that month. Accordingly, the cake cutting ceremony, for the said event was performed by the entitled members and their family members with great enthusiasm and fervor.
Also, as the President of the NGO, Sh. Satinder Mahajan is going to the USA for six months, it was decided by the Governing Body of the NGO that Sh. G. L. Arora, a very learned person and presently Advisor to the NGO, be appointed President of the NGO and hence Sh. Arora was officially introduced to the audience as President of the NGO. The nomination was well applauded by the members and Sh. Arora addressed the gathering as President of the NGO and assured the house that he will lead the NGO with all his sincerity and broader vision.
As, it was almost a see off time to the President, Sh. Satinder Mahajan, for his long time foreign stay, mixed with the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries, it was well-attended participation of the members. Sh. Ashok Pahwa, General Secretary, and Sh. S. M. Bhatia, Treasurer of the NGO spoke on the occasion highlighting the leadership qualities of Sh. Mahajan and resolved to take the cause of the elderly community as per the cherished goals of the NGO.